Money really can grow on trees, says Leakey at agroforestry book launch

Professor Roger LeakeyTrees that have been central to the lives of African people for centuries can now be widely grown on farms throughout the tropics and sub-tropics, and they can bring prosperity to the poor while helping diminish long-term environmental problems. This was the central, seminal theme of Professor Roger Leakey’s special lecture to launch his new book, Living with the Trees of Life: Toward the Transformation of Tropical Agriculture, on 3 September at the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).

Leakey told his audience, consisting of researchers, partners, and representatives of the media, that he wrote the book, “a personal account,” based on his three decades of work as a tropical forest biologist and research manager, in order to “raise the public profile of agroforestry.” Read more. . .

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