Dublin meetings discuss direct and indirect potentials of agroforestry

By Oliver Moore

Two key food events held in Dublin, Ireland, as part of the Irish EU presidency showed up the importance of agroforestry in a number of direct and indirect ways.

ICRAF_SherryAdisa-Faidherbia_albida.Agroforestry was prominently promoted at some high profile global events in April. Dr. Frank Place, Impact Assessment Advisor with the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), was, along with Dr. Alexandre Meybeck of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), a keynote presenter  at the Food Security Futures conference held in Dublin, Ireland in April. Theirs was one of just four keynote presentations over the two day event. At the larger Hunger, Nutrition and Climate Justice event which had Malawian farmers who practice agroforestry present, keynote presenter Al Gore made reference to the potential of agroforestry to help alleviate some of these interconnected food, climate and hunger/nutrition problems. Read more. . .

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