Ever wondered how Africans managed in the olden days?
How did women deliver children at home? What did they feed their babies? And when people fell sick who brought them back to health… and with what?
And then when the British colonialists came and tore apart the social structure in Central Kenya, what drove people to nonetheless take up the formal education they brought? (My parents’ families were among the early adopters.)
In May this year, my mum, author of a memoir titled “It’s Never Too Late”, and I were invited to The Books Café, a radio program hosted by Khainga O’Okwemba, on the national broadcaster KBC.
Though I kicked and screamed when Khainga suggested that I should join the program, it turned out OK, and I even enjoyed the chit chat…you have to think on your feet!
Here’s the audio. 1 hour long. And below it the promo clip too – 30 seconds.